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Smart lighting lamp control
 Aug 25, 2022|View:324

To meet the market demand, more and more high-tech products appear in our sight, such as smart lighting lamps, so what are the control methods? Let's take a look at the general introduction of smart lights.

Compared with the traditionalWall switchlighting, the intelligent lighting system completely overturns the concept of the manual switch lamp. Smartlighting lampis an intelligent control system of wireless telemetry, Telecontrol, and Telecontrol, which uses computers, wireless communication technology, computerized processing technology, and energy-saving technology. Based on the wall switch, the lighting switch has a sense of recognition and a variety of control modes and control modes, that is, the lighting system has achievedIntelligence..

smart lighting lamp

The intelligent lighting system can be divided into 3 control modes.

1. The first is wireless remote control: smart lighting lamps with various master control equipment can switch or adjust the light at a certain distance scale.

2. The second method is induction control: Through the infrared sensor controller sensing the human signal, when people enter the area or need to adjust the brightness can be based on the sensing signal control lights, after the signal target leaves for some time, it can automatically turn off the lights or reduce the brightness accordingly.

3. The third option is remote control: remote control of the smart lighting lampthrough the integration of smart terminals and smart switches, which can be done over the phone or the internet.

Jari Smart Traffic Light Company is a State-owned holding and high-tech enterprise of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC). It mainly covers the smart transportation and smart lighting industries, with more than 20 years of production experience, if you need a smart lighting lamp, please contact us.