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The role of the Voice prompter
 Aug 17, 2022|View:328

Have you seen the Voice prompter on the street? Do you know what it does? Here's how important the Voice prompter is. Read on if you're interested!

It is not uncommon for people to look at their mobile phones while crossing the road, answer messages while riding a bike, and swipe videos while waiting for a red light. Traffic accidents caused by such acts also occur from time to time, and this kind of phenomenon is especially prominent at traffic light intersections and has affected the traffic safety of the public to different degrees.

Voice prompter

The Voice prompter can help“Direct traffic” on the spot, playing the Voice prompter continuously. The traffic police department installs a small sound box on the fixed pole of the crosswalk traffic lights in all directions at the intersection. When the traffic lights are switched, it synchronously broadcasts voice messages to remind pedestrians and vehicles to pass safely, to further enhance public awareness of traffic safety, and effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents.

Every time the traffic light signal changes, it will broadcast the traffic light situation to the public in real-time, reminding the public to pay attention to the road condition, stop and wait or pass as soon as possible. The Voice prompter is a great reminder to pedestrians, especially older people with poor eyesight, who can cross the street more easily and more thoughtfully.

Travel should consciously abide by traffic laws and regulations, abandon bad habits, pay attention to traffic safety, do not do dangerous behavior, and jointly create a good road traffic environment.

JARI Voice prompter comes with 3 Voice options, and the prompts can be customized. If you need a Voice prompter, please feel free to contact us.