Utilize The Potential Of Digitalization And The Iot For Urban Mobility
Transportation has been a growing issue in evolving cities for decades – the increasing number of vehicles per capita and the inability of older infrastructures to accommodate them result in never-ending traffic jams. From air pollution to stress, they cause immense damage to the population and the environment. To solve these problems, cities need smart solutions that can be adjusted to the existing infrastructure, improving and building upon it to create a liveable city.

Smart Cities Need Smart Intersections

Over 50% of the world’s population lives in cities. Transportation is one of the most important aspects of living in an urban area, with everyday activities of people involving moving from one place to another within the complex systems of the city. At the same time, the number of vehicles is on the rise making available infrastructures insufficient.

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Smart Cities Need Smart Intersections
Our Solution
Transitioning to the model of the smart city is the only way to optimise and save time and money, while decreasing pollution at the same time.
We have prepared various traffic control strategies and products for different scenes
How can we help your city?
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