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Fault causes and treatment methods of bay light
 Sep 01, 2022|View:358

Bay lightadopts a high-strength die-cast aluminum shell, pull-cast aluminum radiator, high-efficiency reflector, external electrostatic thermoplastic spraying, corrosion resistance, impact resistance, and durability. However, due to the uneven quality of the manufacturers, some quality problems may also occur. How to deal with the failure of bay light?

Common fault causes of inferior bay light:

The power supply is damaged.

As a result of power supply problems, some manufacturers use inferior power supplies at low prices, and the product quality is not qualified. After a long time of use, the lamp will burn, the lamp will flash, or the lamp will light up slightly after a while.

The light source is damaged.

The process of lamp assembly is not perfect, the lamp bead and the radiator cannot be in good contact, and the thermal conductive paste is not evenly coated. In addition, if the quality of the lamp bead itself is poor, it will burn out even if it is lit for a long time.

The radiator cannot achieve good heat dissipation. The temperature rise of the lamp is too high and too fast.

Bay light

How to handle failed Bay light:

The SMD type can replace the whole lamp board, and the high-power integrated type can replace the whole light source. It needs to be noted that heat conduction and heat dissipation must be properly handled. If the power supply is broken, you can only replace it directly.

Bay lighthas many advantages, such as high light efficiency, long life, no delay in switching, environmental protection, and energy saving. It is an advanced lighting product that gradually replaces energy-saving lamps, metal halide lamps, and other light sources,

Bay lightcan be used in factory workshops, school classrooms, libraries, large conference rooms, large shopping malls, sports fields, subway stations, and railway stations. It is especially suitable for high-risk and important places where it is difficult to change lights and maintenance costs are expensive.

If you have any need for Bay light, please feel free to contact us.