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Role of Explosion-proof light
 Oct 12, 2022|View:314

Explosion-proof lightis designed to be Explosion-proof and is used in special work situations. Explosion-proof lightworks in a way that ordinary light fixtures can't, especially at gas stations, petrochemical plants, or warehouses with flammable and explosive materials.

Explosion-proof lightis used in hazardous areas where combustible gases and dust are present. It can prevent the electric arc, spark, and high temperature in the lamp from igniting the combustible gases and dust in the surrounding environment, to meet the requirements of explosion-proof lamps and lanterns. Also known as Explosion-proof lightfixtures. Different combustible gas mixture environment has different requirements for Explosion-proof grade and Explosion-proof light.

Explosion-proof light

1. Applicable to explosive gas environment zone 1, Zone 2 dangerous places;

2. Suitable for IIA, IIB, and IIC class explosive gas environment;

3. Applicable to combustible dust environments 20 areas, 21 areas, 22 areas;

4. Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1-T6.

Indoor Explosion-proof lightis generally used in some hazardous environments where there are many combustibles and dust, it can make our work environment safe without any accidents. Explosion-proof lightis also commonly used as an emergency light. To ensure the safety of people working.

Because indoor Explosion-proof lightis made of special materials, so the structure is very delicate, has a strong impact and impact resistance, not easy to break. Of course, it is not limited to this role, can effectively waterproof, dust-proof, non-corrosive, ensure that Explosion-proof lightwithout maintenance, and extended its service life.

We all know that in the summer, when the temperature of our lamps and lanterns is relatively high, so it will be prone to the risk of explosion. The indoor Explosion-proof lightcontrol cooling function is very strong, summer generally controlled at 45 degrees Celsius below, not easily burned. But also through artificial control to achieve the ability to dissipate heat. This situation, even in the summer can guarantee the normal use of lamps and lanterns.