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Installation control method for Street light
 Sep 21, 2022|View:329

The Street lightcontrol method comprises a positioning and tracking detection unit, a LEDStreet light, a Street light control unit, a Street light light light light and dark control unit, an information transmission unit, and a Street light drive unit.

If the positioning and tracking receiver or the adjacent positioning and tracking receiver detects the positioning and tracking detection unit, then the lamp is lit, otherwise, the lamp is switched off, and the lamp lighting condition is continued to be judged.

If the positioning and tracking receiver or the adjacent positioning and tracking receiver can not detect the positioning and tracking detection unit, the lamp is delayed to turn off.

When the location tracker detects a moving object in pedestrian mode, the current Street lightlight light control program makes the current LEDStreet lightbright through the Street light control unit and the Street light drive unit, if no moving object is detected by the backward proximity locator tracker, and a moving object is detected by the backward proximity nth locator tracker, then the current Street lightbrightness is brightened by (100-(N-1) q)% of the adjacent Street lightbrightness corresponding to the nth locator tracker.

Street light

1. Make sure that the luminaire is suitable for the equipment, adjust the equipment bracket, and then prepare the corresponding length of the three-core cable according to the interval between the luminaire and the power connection.

2. Lead the cable through the cable leading hole at the back of the lamp into the lamp cavity, connect the cable according to the polarity marked on the wiring base in the lamp, and then press the cable with the wire pressing sheet after connecting the cable.

3. Insert the lamp pole into the inlet hole of the equipment bracket, and select the suitable gear to put the lamp pole in the bracket barrel according to the viewpoint of lighting demand.

4. When replacing the bulb, unscrew and pull out the lamp holder, unscrew the old bulb and replace it with a new one. The lamp holder of the installed bulb should be put in the proper gear. The 400W bulb should be in the outermost gear while the 250W lamp should be in the innermost gear, center gear for scheduling use, push into the lumen, and screw fixed.

These are the installation controls for Street lights, so feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.