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JARI "Green Wave" lights up the "Green Light" for life
 Mar 24, 2022|View:299

Recently, Shandong Satellite TV's Good Morning Shandong column, with the title of "Rizhao: Green Wave Life Rescue Channel" Makes People's Livelihood Services More Warm", made a special report on the opening of the "Green Wave Life Rescue Channel" by the Rizhao Public Security Traffic Police.1.jpg

It is JARI Technology that helps open up the "Green Wave Life Channel" in the rescue.2.jpg

In Rizhao City, Shandong Province, the urban intelligent transportation system was carefully built by the JARI intelligent transportation team. In this system, the signal control system is the hub of the city's traffic lights. According to the real-time traffic status, JARI signal control system intelligently regulates the intersection signal light time to ensure the smooth flow of the road. When faced with an emergency, the traffic management department can open the "green wave channel" for urgent needs through system control, ensure the rapid passage of special task vehicles, and minimize the passage time.

The power and stability of JARI Green Wave has been fully demonstrated in several recent rescue incidents.