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" JARI Light " lights up Yangpu Port in Hainan!
 Apr 14, 2022|View:303

Yangpu Port is located in the center of the main international shipping routes in East and Southeast Asia, adjacent to the ASEAN Free Trade Area, an important outlet to the northwest industrial corridor of Hainan, and an important node of China's "Belt and Road" strategy.


The picture comes from the network: Yangpu Port Night View

In the construction of Yangpu Port, the JARI intelligent lighting system played an important role. The system adopts advanced port lighting technologies such as multi-source information fusion, big data processing, and multi-scene adaptive lighting to realize real-time perception of TOS system data in multi-field environment, multi-type port machine adaptive lighting, and yard high pole intelligent linkage lighting, fully achieving the port intelligent, efficient, green and energy-saving lighting effect. The successful application of JARI's products has made due contributions to the informatization, modernization and low-carbon construction of China's "Belt and Road" project.


As the industry's leading supplier of smart lighting solutions, JARI Smart Lighting's business covers special lighting, industrial lighting, port machinery supporting and other directions, and currently ranks first in the market share of port smart lighting and other fields.
Over the years, JARI has always insisted on driving industry development with innovation, and in 2022, it officially launched a new port control system , JARI Port Machinery Safety and Environment Integrated Management System. The system covers boarding management system, wind speed and wind direction display and alarm system, shouting communication system, signal indication system, intelligent energy-saving lighting control system and other subsystems and products, the development and application of the new system not only strengthens the overall planning ability in the port construction process, but also makes important contributions to the user's needs for energy saving and efficiency, cost control and modern smart port construction. Achieve mutual benefit and win-win with users.
Years of technology accumulation to promote the continuous progress of JARI products, before that, JARI's smart lighting footprint not only throughout the country, but also to the world, has successfully participated in the Greek Piraeus Port, Abu Dhabi Caliph Port and other overseas port construction lighting scheme design and construction.
In the future, JARI will continue deeply cultivate the JARI brand, and contribute to the "Light of JARI" for the construction of the "Belt and Road" and global interconnection.