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Basic functions of the SMART Traffic Signal Controller
 Nov 04, 2022|View:358

What is a smart traffic signal controller? Smart Traffic Signal Controlleris a new type of traffic equipment, an embedded central control system, works more stable and reliably, so it has what role?

Here are the basic functions of the SMART Traffic Signal Controller:

1. Data collection and monitoring.

All kinds of traffic flow are collected and analyzed and report forms are generated. Traffic flow of the road network is monitored by electronic map and GIS, and traffic jam is detected.

2. Traffic Control and optimization.

Based on the analysis of traffic flow, the optimal control of traffic is by setting the operation scheme and parameters of the signal (adjust the green signal ratio or set the phase difference) to maximize regional traffic flow.

3. Systematic intervention.

Operators can control the operation of each semaphore in the center, can easily define the green zone on an electronic map, and can remotely simulate manual control of traffic.

SMART Traffic Signal Controller

4. System monitoring.

The operator interface displays the operation information of the whole traffic system, monitors the status of the sub-system equipment including each signal light, and records and alerts for faults.

5. System log management.

System operator operation record.

Record of system parameter modification.

System login records.

System failure and handling record.

System Operation Program of the historical records.

Traffic time alarm and handling records.

These are some of the basic functions of the SMART Traffic Signal Controller. I hope it will be helpful for you to know about the smart traffic signal controller. If you have any other questions, please contact us.